Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss Book Review

Liz Masen
CEO of Athlete Assessments

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Book Review by Liz Masen, Client Director at Athlete Assessments
Click here to buy Oh, The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss now.

Oh The Places You'll Go

Looking for a short activity on resiliency you can do with your athletes? Then we highly recommend getting them to read ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Go’ by Dr.  Seuss.  The blurb on the back of the book reads: “From bang-ups to hang-ups to lurches and slumps.  Dr.  Seuss takes a hilarious look at the mishaps and misadventures that life may have in store for us”.

Although it is a children’s book, we don’t believe it is patronizing for adults or athletes to read.  I have often picked it up for my daughter’s bed time story, in honesty, for my own benefit!  Chock full with gems from Seuss this book focuses on the highs and lows of life and how you can overcome slumps to reach greater heights.  This book will take just five minutes to read and is a lighthearted way to segue into a discussion on resilience or overcoming a poor performance -often seen as a gloomy topic.  We highly recommend using it as an introductory activity to developing resilience.

Our Favorite Parts:


“You’ll be on your way up!
You’ll be seeing great sights!
You’ll join the high fliers
who soar to high heights.
You won’t lag behind, because you’ll have the speed.
You’ll pass the whole gang and you’ll soon take the lead.
Wherever you fly, you’ll be the best of the best.
Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.”

“Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored.   There are games to be won.
And the magical things you can do with that ball
will make you the winning-est winner of all.
Fame!  You’ll be famous as famous can be,
with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.
Except when they don’t.
Because, sometimes, they won’t.

I’m afraid that some times
you’ll play lonely games too.
Games you can’t win
’cause you’ll play against you.

All Alone!
Whether you like it or not,
Alone will be something
you’ll be quite a lot.”

“And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)”

Oh The Places You'll Go

We really recommend this book.  At any age it is a great reminder of the ups and downs of life and how resilience is vital to achieving your goals.  Filled with Dr.  Seuss’ zany rhymes it is an upbeat look at some of life’s toughest moments.

If you’re looking for something more serious on this topic, might also enjoy our articles on Coping with a Poor Performance and How to Develop Resilience in Athletes.

Other books you may find valuable can be seen in our Book Reviews including our:

At Athlete Assessments, we’re here to provide you with excellence in service and here to help you be your best.  If there is anything we can assist you with, please Contact Us.

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Bo Hanson’s career within the sport and the business sector spans over 25 years, delivering leadership, management, and coach development. In addition to his own athletic career comprising of four Olympic appearances and including three Olympic medals, Bo has worked for many years with coaches and athletes from over 40 different sports across the globe. Bo was also the winner of the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) 2023 Award for L&D Professional of the Year, for his dedication to L&D and transformational work across various industries.

After a successful career in sport including four Olympics and three Olympic Medals, Bo co-founded and developed Athlete Assessments in 2007. Bo now focuses on working with clients to achieve their own success on and off ‘the field’, and has attained an unmatched track-record in doing exactly this.

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BoRowing-Atlanta Olympics

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