Quotes and Case Studies from our Clients
We could spend money on flashy advertising, but we know that you are most interested in honest feedback directly from clients. Ultimately, this is the most reliable and credible way to gauge how good a product or service really is.
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Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles and services are used around the world by different sports professionals in different ways. Read what our clients have to say…
Sport Psychologists and Consultants
Below are quotes and case studies of sport psychologists and performance consultant clients who use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles with their clients and those they work with. Read the few we have selected here and you can also read many more testimonials and detailed client case studies by clicking the button below.
“We use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiling tools in a couple of ways, I use it with our team and our clients, which helps us both work better with our clients, but also with each other. It’s ultimately about awareness and realizing how your behaviors impact outcomes, and then how you modify those behaviors to get to the outcomes you want.”

“Athlete Assessments shares our goals to better our student-athletes and our department. When we struggle with a problem or task, they help us tackle it. They keep us informed of new ideas and new ways to reach athletes or confront different challenges. As a facilitator, I feel supported in a way that I can reach out at any time to further my growth and understanding.”

“The AthleteDISC is an invaluable tool that provides a wealth of information I use to help athletes enhance their performance and improve their cognitive training. I have also found great success in using DISC as a team-building assessment which focuses on greater communication and team cohesion”.

“Partnering with Athlete Assessments to provide their sports specific DISC Profiles and other materials to my clients, I know I am giving them my very best. I am very selective with whom I partner. I realize how precious my professional reputation is and how important the trust of my clients is to me.”

“DISC is a very well established tool, but Athlete Assessments have made it all digestible for Coaches and athletes (using sport language and examples) which makes it very useful when working with our diverse group of clients.”

“Getting certified in Athlete Assessments’ DISC has helped me understand so much more about the behavioral tendencies of the coaches and athletes I work with. It has helped people who struggle to explain themselves, give them (and me) a better understanding; which then drives our sessions.”

“To be the first in the world to introduce two DISC profile tools in the language of his own country, Hungarian, I am proud to be an Athlete Assessments consultant.”

“Through my training I realized that AthleteDISC and CoachDISC could be delivered faster and had a much quicker impact on my clients and athletes because it did not question the client’s “root” personality. Instead it focused on changing their behavior.”

“It makes me a more effective and efficient leader but also gives clients and athletes a much higher level of self-awareness so they can develop professionally, athletically and personally at a very fast rate.”

“Athlete Assessments have been amazing partners. It begins with my dedication to only working with good people – Bo, Liz, Laren, and the rest of the crew are absolutely outstanding people who happen to be great at what they do. They share a dedication to continuous improvement and are motivated by a similar passion for helping lay the foundations for success for others.”

“The Villanova journey has been a tremendous experience and hopefully, it will get Coaches to learn more about insights, benefits and results that can and will be achieved when they truly understand AthleteDISC.”

“The information we received back from using DISC about each player’s competitive and adaptive styles, as well as the coaching styles of our staff, was helpful at multiple levels.”

“The AthleteDISC Profiles have helped me paint a complete picture of my athletes. The DISC Profiles starts creating an identity for us to build upon.”

“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles give quality information that can be immediately understood and applied in a sport environment.”

“Knowing how others within the team culture behave can help to build greater empathy and understanding, as well as enhance group cohesiveness.”

“If I can understand the why, I can start giving the tools to help change or adapt behavior under different situations. So that’s what’s really important about the AthleteDISC and the CoachDISC, they give you the information to help you understand why people behave the way they do.”

“I choose DISC ahead of any other profiling tool because there are no good and bad profiles and my work is not about improving a profile. I can’t say that about most other tools I am accredited in using.”

“Working with Athlete Assessments has helped me tremendously with helping my clients with self-awareness. What I like about the AthleteDISC Profile is that each person gets to learn about their tendencies and it provides me the opportunity to ask questions to identify situations that lead to peak performance.”

“I wanted to be able to share some objective, valid results from a psychological measure that described patterns that a person was able to influence. I had been exposed to Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles at AASP and chatted with the team to learn how it could be part of a battery of tests. After going through the training, I was hooked.”

“The coaches and managers have really enjoyed the DISC process and helping the athletes get to know their strengths and areas of development. One of the best advantages is getting to know the athletes better in a more meaningful way and showing them where they fit into the group through the team reporting... I have used DISC to help in goal setting both individually and for the team."

“Working with the team at Athlete Assessments has been awesome. Bo and Liz are really vested in connecting with the people/professionals who use Athlete Assessments. The customer service they and their staff provide is top notch. They really are here to help us in any way they can. I am proud to say I am trained in using the Athlete Assessments DISC profile."

“We use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiling tools in a couple of ways, I use it with our team and our clients, which helps us both work better with our clients, but also with each other. It’s ultimately about awareness and realizing how your behaviors impact outcomes, and then how you modify those behaviors to get to the outcomes you want.”

“Athlete Assessments shares our goals to better our student-athletes and our department. When we struggle with a problem or task, they help us tackle it. They keep us informed of new ideas and new ways to reach athletes or confront different challenges. As a facilitator, I feel supported in a way that I can reach out at any time to further my growth and understanding.”

Sport Coaches and Teams
We have chosen a few quotes from coaches and elite team clients we work with below. Read more from others and access detailed case studies of our clients who use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles and our specialized service for teams by clicking through to the dedicated page.
"My background in counseling and psychology means data and using proven methods, so knowing that Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles are backed by research, statistics and validity is really important. Our players have responded really well to the program, and I have seen favorable growth in our culture, but the validity is why I have so much confidence in the program.”

“Bo and Athlete Assessments were an invaluable tool for me as a new Coach with a new group. It allowed me to make quicker connections with the athletes, understand how to best communicate with them and understand everyone as individuals.”

“Working with Athlete Assessments and using their DISC Profiles has been revolutionary. Our players have gained so much from learning about their own profiles and those of the rest of the team. After working with Athlete Assessments, it created a greater awareness that we all have different skills and all bring something to the team.”

“Athlete Assessments made us a tougher team and that toughness is one reason why we were so great this year. They learned how to reset when things didn’t go as planned, they learned that taking full advantage of an uncomfortable situation makes them better, and they learned that they can endure much more work than they thought they could.”

“The most valuable thing that I gained from Athlete Assessments was that the understanding of who I was helped me better coach who they were.”

“Our program recognizes the strengths of DISC and our staff could not be happier with the results it has yielded. I would recommend DISC to those coaches who have a passion for becoming better at understanding their athletes and getting the most effective performances out of them.”

“We had been so close in three previous championship games and I knew this was the missing link. It was through Bo’s assistance that we found a way to get closer to team synergy. Ultimately, the trust we created was what provided immense value to the end result.”

“Bo and Athlete Assessments guided us through the people side of the championship formula and the results are unmistakable. Bo inspired us and educated us that learning to understand the people in our program is the greatest advantage in guiding us back to a championship program.”

“DISC has given our team a much better understanding of themselves and others and created a common language to discuss our similarities and differences. It has totally enhanced our communication both on and off the field.”

“The use of Athlete Assessments and CoachDISC has had a tremendous impact on the culture of our program. As Coaches, we have been able to really dig deep and gain a better understanding of who we are as individuals and why we do what we do.”

“Working with Athlete Assessments has been invaluable to our team culture because our student-athletes were challenged by Bo to be vulnerable with their teammates, to recognize and acknowledge what makes themselves and their teammates great, and to understand how their behaviors directly impact the ability of our team to be successful.”

“I’ve been working with Bo Hanson and using the Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles for a few years now. I really enjoy working with him and he has significantly helped me understand my players and how to get the most out of each one of them.”

“Bo’s knowledge, expertise and guidance was critical to our success in the Firebirds undefeated premiership season of 2011 and 2015 Championship. He is an integral part of our ‘team’ and the success of winning we all strive for.”

“Bo Hanson and Athlete Assessments has a comprehensive program that will help a coach guide and navigate their team to greater success.”

“Athlete Assessments really helped us connect with one another. Bo did an outstanding job helping our staff and players understand how important the team dynamic is to be successful.”

“While I know that Athlete Assessments is a business, I never feel like it when working with them. Bo and Liz genuinely care about our success. I know during one of our talks the staff was at a loss and didn’t know how to proceed and Bo calmed us down and led us to a better solution. He didn’t give us an answer, he just led us there.”

“Athlete Assessments gives every athlete an opportunity to review their approach to training and competition – to take the insights gained and really leverage their performance off a new platform. You’ve done a great job! Congrats.”

“As part of our program’s initial leadership development processes, our athletes explore their unique strengths and styles through the Athlete Assessments AthleteDISC Profile Reports. Our breakthrough was players being able to understand each other’s needs and ultimately want what’s best for the team.”

“Coaching is all about helping your athletes through their journey of self-discovery, and that’s what I think is so great about sport and Athlete Assessments’ suite of DISC profiling tools specifically. They provide an efficient way to gain an understanding of ourselves and our athletes.”

“The most important aspects of DISC are the learning around self-awareness and communication with others. Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles are the foundation for getting the best out of people.”

"My background in counseling and psychology means data and using proven methods, so knowing that Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles are backed by research, statistics and validity is really important. Our players have responded really well to the program, and I have seen favorable growth in our culture, but the validity is why I have so much confidence in the program.”

“Bo and Athlete Assessments were an invaluable tool for me as a new Coach with a new group. It allowed me to make quicker connections with the athletes, understand how to best communicate with them and understand everyone as individuals.”

University Academics
Here are some short testimonials from our university academic clients who use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles and our specialized services for their classes or courses. You can read more quotes and detailed client case studies by clicking the button below.
"In any sport, they have their own set of language. In the leadership space, I’m trying to create a common language that we can all understand and use interchangeably, so when we’re talking about conflict, motivation, stress, and results, we tie it all into DISC."

“The CoachDISC Profile has added a perspective that supports, extends, and personalizes our curriculum in a way that students’ appreciate. It is no wonder then that the student feedback on the CoachDISC has been overwhelmingly positive despite the added cost.”

“Working with Athlete Assessments has contributed a great deal to our class in terms of understanding key aspects of leadership and group dynamics. Having such an accomplished athlete and individual like Bo Hanson provide straightforward insight directly to our students has been a huge asset.”

”Students find that these are invaluable tools that they can use in the workforce and to sell themselves to prospective employers.”

“Working with Athlete Assessments has been a great partnership and I know our students benefit from the service and follow-up. The team has been outstanding.”

“I have really enjoyed working with Athlete Assessments over the last few years. Despite being located on the other side of the globe from, the team are very responsive, extremely personable and you can tell they care about and enjoy the work they do.”

“My experience with Athlete Assessments and the Sports ManagerDISC profile has been invaluable for students."

“The class went extremely well. The students were very impressed, and it led not only to more discussion last week, but more to come next week. It definitely fits well in this course. Well done.”

“I firmly hold that the DISC Profile is an excellent way to allow students, future leaders themselves, this important first step; a deep understanding of self.”

“The value of the partnership I have with Athlete Assessments. It helps to create more employment-ready students and benefits students in both the short- and long-term.”

“In preparing students for a career in sports leadership, Athlete Assessments’ Sports ManagerDISC Profile is a cornerstone tool in our students’ development of self-understanding, enhanced collaboration skills for team project, and effective communication strategies to engage with various stakeholders on the job.”

“I just went on an interview and the hiring manager asked me what I considered to be my best strength and I can honestly say I have never been more prepared to answer that question. All in all, I have never known myself better.”

“I am finding so many great uses for DISC in communication, motivation and all things ‘people’. From leadership, communication skills, helping with students’ researching, and planning career paths.”

“The Sports ManagerDISC Profile is a great tool for any sport management course that discusses the managerial roles that students will perform in their future professional lives, or a class that discusses leadership in sport, or any introductory course for student internships.”

“Before going out on their internships, our students take the Sports ManagerDISC profile and find it useful in thinking about how to be successful in their internship and work with others. It’s also great to reflect on in class and have meaningful conversations about their professional development.”

“They are wonderful to work with and always willing to customize the Sports ManagerDISC Profile according to the class’ needs. I have received nothing but superb feedback from my students who use the assessment to help develop their own professional leadership dossier.”

“They are wonderful to work with and always willing to customize the Sports ManagerDISC Profile according to the class’ needs. I have received nothing but superb feedback from my students who use the assessment to help develop their own professional leadership dossier.”

“Athlete Assessments offers our students the opportunity to learn about who they are, and who they might be in their profession using a unique tool that many undergraduates are unaware of.”

“Whenever I am invited to deliver a leadership class, I recommend integrating Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles into the course as I truly believe they offer very valuable insights for participants. Working with Athlete Assessments has been absolutely great, and the team does everything to make the integration of the DISC as easy as possible.”

“Finding a tool where students can become more self-aware has just been an excellent experience for my students. They implicitly know that what they are learning is more important than the grade they get in the class.”

“My sport psychology students truly value their opportunity to learn through Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles. Their self-reflection papers and other assignments throughout the semester suggest that they make deep connections between what they learn in their profiles and the supplemental materials, and their own lives.”

“I cannot tell you how many times a student has told me something along the lines of, ‘I was very impressed with DISC and what I learned from the experience... I really learned a lot about myself, and how to work with others.’ Once they have their profile and have read their reports, they get to see it all play out through different class exercises.”

“At the University of Northern Colorado it’s all about application... Through the CoachDISC and guest lectures with Liz, the partnership helps me provide the opportunity for my students to begin to build a foundation for their coaching philosophy and coaching behaviors (and style). This is their first chance to self-reflect within the context of coaching and Athlete Assessments helps facilitate their early growth and development as an effective coach.”

“[DISC] helps my students grasp the different styles of individuals they will probably come in to contact with. And while everyone is not one specific style, it helps them understand or start to think about relationships they have in their own lives and why they get along better with some people over others. It is so cool to see how students implement DISC in our classroom discussion and point out specific behaviors they see in others that relate to how they need to communicate with that individual.”

“It’s critically important that students start by understanding themselves. When you look at any dimension of leadership and leadership behavior, if you don’t understand yourself first and foremost, it is pretty tough to lead other people. You can use an assessment to create awareness and ultimately an ability to leverage your strength”

"What I love about the CoachDISC and AthleteDISC is that they are already in sportspeak. We don’t have to figure out how to utilize some of the concepts to make it fit, it already fits! DISC is not just going to help you with your sport, it’s going to help with the relationships you have, how you interact and engage in class projects, or your profession."

"In any sport, they have their own set of language. In the leadership space, I’m trying to create a common language that we can all understand and use interchangeably, so when we’re talking about conflict, motivation, stress, and results, we tie it all into DISC."

“The CoachDISC Profile has added a perspective that supports, extends, and personalizes our curriculum in a way that students’ appreciate. It is no wonder then that the student feedback on the CoachDISC has been overwhelmingly positive despite the added cost.”

Leadership and Professional Development Programs
Below are a few selected quotes from our clients and you can read more detailed case studies about clients who use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles in their leadership and professional development work by clicking through to the dedicated page.
“We engaged Athlete Assessments to guide the students of the Rams Pathways to Success Program through self-awareness. Overall, program created an authentic environment to build relationships between our students. It’s something you don’t expect to happen but to see those relationships develop naturally is so fantastic.”

“Athlete Assessments shares our goals to better our student-athletes and our department. When we struggle with a problem or task, they help us tackle it. They keep us informed of new ideas and new ways to reach athletes or confront different challenges. As a facilitator, I feel supported in a way that I can reach out at any time to further my growth and understanding.”

"We value Athlete Assessments’ depth of experience and knowledge in working with team sports, coach development and their ability to relate to our coaches and players in a practical way.”

“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles are an excellent tool for helping people understand both themselves and others. I have used the card game with a number of groups who cannot afford the full online assessment – and it works really well – both in the sport and corporate environment.”

“Athlete Assessments went above and beyond our expectations and I have heard nothing but positive feedback from our coaches, staff and student-athletes. I am very pleased with our student-athletes’ attendance! We’ve already heard great feedback today!”

“We have a long and solid relationship with Athlete Assessments which delivers an essential service in the development of high-performance coaches. This expertise integrates well with other activities and messages we believe are important.”

“What I most value about working with Athlete Assessments is the strong liaison in developing the program to meet the needs of the candidate in a bespoke manner related to the sport. The attention to detail and support provided to each candidate and the regular feedback is exceptional.”

“Athlete Assessments have added value to our program with relevant strategies and solutions in ways which we can improve as coaches and get the best from our players.”

We brought Athlete Assessment on board to deliver self-awareness workshops as part of the Rams Pathways to Success program. There were many a-ha moments as students recognized themselves and each other, while learning how to apply their profile, understanding how they could add value to their future role and what they bring to a room.”

“Athlete Assessments adds value to our course through expert delivery of information in an area that complements and integrates with the ARU coaching development approach.”

“Athlete Assessments will be an important part of that growth as we interact with people with renewed confidence.”

“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles are a foundation for the growth mindset, a base for student-athletes to explore their unique strengths and styles, build on their unique leadership style, and begin engaging in the team development conversation.”

“Through completing Athlete Assessments’ business version of DISC, the Team8 DISC Profile, our Rookie Career Accelerator participants were provided with valuable career skills to understand the impact their style may have on those they work with, where potential conflict may arise, and how other behavioral styles interact with their own.”

“We engaged Athlete Assessments to guide the students of the Rams Pathways to Success Program through self-awareness. Overall, program created an authentic environment to build relationships between our students. It’s something you don’t expect to happen but to see those relationships develop naturally is so fantastic.”

“Athlete Assessments shares our goals to better our student-athletes and our department. When we struggle with a problem or task, they help us tackle it. They keep us informed of new ideas and new ways to reach athletes or confront different challenges. As a facilitator, I feel supported in a way that I can reach out at any time to further my growth and understanding.”