Client Quotes and Case Studies from Sport Psychologists and Consultants

We appreciate that you are most interested in honest feedback directly from clients as it is the most reliable and credible way to gauge the quality of our Consultant Program and the service we provide. Below are quotes and case studies of Sport Psychologists and Performance Consultant clients who use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles with their clients and those they work with.

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Katie Simet
Assistant Director for Academic Services
Marquette University Athletics

“Using DISC has been instrumental to our leadership programming. It has provided common language, tools for improving communication, and ultimately a road map for our students to grow and develop. We are able to slowly unpack the DISC to help students grow in understanding and awareness. With this tool, they understand themselves, their teammates and their coaches better. We have also been able to have some conversations about how DISC can help with mental health. Students acknowledged that understanding themselves and understanding their teammates helped them better understand how to provide support to a struggling teammate.”

Jeff Troesch
Mental Performance Coach

“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles give quality information that can be immediately understood and applied in a sport environment. Low levels of psychobabble and high levels of concrete data to increase awareness and alternatives for improvements.”


“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles expedite the self-awareness process for clients and allow our discussions to be richer and deeper much more quickly. The insight gleaned has assisted the athletes and coaches to recognize their behavioral tendencies and to have a plan of action to make beneficial adjustments. It has also significantly enhanced the quality of discussions regarding relationships and interactions between and among players and coaches.”


Dr. Tiff Jones
Sport Psychologist
President of X-Factor Performance Consulting

“ It’s super important to understand that behavior is important because it helps explain what you do, it does not make excuses for behavior. We use psychology over just trying to make excuses for people. If I can understand the why, I can start giving the tools to help change or adapt behavior under different situations. So that’s what’s really important about the AthleteDISC and the CoachDISC, they give you the information to help you understand why people behave the way they do.”


“Each assessment, prints out a 40-page report and it gives you all this information about fear, motivation, communication styles, passions and all this really neat stuff that will help athletes be able to understand themselves better.”

Bob Tewksbury
Certified Mental Performance Coach

“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles have helped me in so many ways: 

First, it gives me a bandwidth of knowledge about the athlete right away. It would take many hours of conversation to find out this information otherwise. 

Secondly, when the athlete and I discuss their Profile it helps build the personal relationship needed to gain the trust of the athlete. 

Thirdly, the information helps the athlete know themselves more and better (and also helps others know them as well). So, I absolutely love the DISC Profiles, and have made them part of my assessment with all athletes I work with.”

tim-bayley headshot

Tim Bayley
Mental Training Consultant

Director of Performance Cal Poly Women’s Basketball

“Knowledge of the DISC Profile for both the athletes and coaches is extremely additive and can really help to enhance not only their understanding of themselves but also each other in different situations. Knowing how others within the team culture behave can help to build greater empathy and understanding, as well as enhance group cohesiveness. This enhanced cohesiveness will increase the quality of the team culture and allow for higher individual but more importantly collective levels of achievement.”

Dr. Ed Garrett 
Sport Psychologist
California Baptist University / Association for Applied Sport Psychology

“Athlete Assessments provides a detailed tool called the AthleteDISC Profile. I’m not a salesman, so this is not a shameless plug, but simply an assessment review and one I encourage you to explore to help cognitively train your athletes. The AthleteDISC Profile is a personalized, comprehensive tool that assists your athletes to perform more consistently by discovering the behaviors equating to their best performances. This information supports you in applying more of your natural strengths, while recognizing, then improving upon, the behaviors not producing the results you or your athletes desire.”

Becky Ahlgren Bedics, Ed.D.
Owner/President of Ahlgren Bedics Consulting, LLC

“I appreciate the personal approach that Athlete Assessments has taken with me and how each member of their team has reached out to me and helped me in some way. The fast rate of response, despite time zone differences, is amazing and Bo, Liz and Laren have been very encouraging and receptive to my questions and supportive of my work. The modifications they have made to the Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles have been so well received by my clients that I know I am providing useful information for them so they can be their best selves”.

Dr. Justin Anderson
Sport Psychologist
Premier Sport Psychology

“DISC is a very well established tool, but Athlete Assessments have made it all digestible for Coaches and athletes (using sport language and examples) which makes it very useful when working with our diverse group of clients. Coaches get it and the entire system is a common language to build team communication and chemistry. Plus, Liz and Bo have been very responsive to any questions or consultative needs that we have. They clearly know their stuff and we appreciate the great/quick responses they provide.”

Dr Nicole Detling
Sport Psychologist
HeadStrong Consulting, LLC

“Getting certified in Athlete Assessments’ DISC has helped me understand so much more about the behavioral tendencies of the coaches and athletes I work with. It has helped people who struggle to explain themselves, give them (and me) a better understanding; which then drives our sessions.”

Szabolcs Hollósi 
Kell Egy Csapat Élmény Kft. (Hungary)

“In addition to the CoachDISC and AthleteDISC tools, Athlete Assessments has provided me with an elaborate professional framework; an approach which I have easily adopted and have strived to utilize for the development of my clients. From the initial contact to entering into an agreement; during the training and the ongoing adaptation process, Laren, Abby, Bo and Liz, i.e. the whole team, have provided me with total support.”


LaTisha Bader

Certified Mental Performance Consultant

Unique Counseling and Consulting, PLLC

“I wanted to be able to share some objective, valid results from a psychological measure that described patterns that a person was able to influence. I had been exposed to Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles at Association for Applied Sport Psychology and chatted with the team to learn how it could be part of a battery of tests. After going through the training, I was hooked…

Focusing on behaviors versus personality, provided unpretentious concepts that could drastically improve their [clients] understanding of self and behaviors… The data was accurate, thorough and the person could leave the feedback session with the instillation of hope that if they weren’t getting the result, they wanted they could just try a few less practiced behaviors… I felt so compelled I had our entire management team take it and within the month, our meetings were already going smoother. When the patients figured out “how to talk to Dr. Bader and how not to talk to Dr. Bader (p. 13 on the profile)” They laughed about how easy it was to get along. Personally, I went from ‘intimidating’ to ‘enthusiastic’ just by the simple understanding of my style.”

Sandy Gordon
Sport Psychologist
Performance Perspectives International

“First, Athlete Assessments folks have been excellent and reliable responders to my several last minute requests for super quick turn-a-rounds! Second, both team and individual reports are appreciated by my clients who find them easy to read and use. For example, a professional soccer team, including coaching and support staff as well as players, were excited with potential improvements in communication club-wide. A cricket club with four grades of players and coaches better understood how to adapt to each other in pursuit of their value/mission statements. Individuals – athletes, coaches, officials, administrators – have reported knowing themselves better. Third, as a ‘conversation starter’, I choose DISC ahead of any other profiling tool because there are no good and bad profiles and my work is not about improving a profile. I can’t say that about most other tools I am accredited in using.”

Sandra Chu
Two Tigers Consulting / Princeton University

“Athletes Assessments’ DISC Profiles not only give me an accurate picture of my clients and athletes’ behaviors, but they also provide us all with a common language. We can quickly and effectively move beyond drama and conflict by having a root understanding of each other. It makes me a more effective and efficient leader but also gives clients and athletes a much higher level of self-awareness so they can develop professionally, athletically and personally at a very fast rate.”

Joshua Gordon
Sports Conflict Institute

“Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles ask the right questions to uncover invaluable insights on complex human behaviors so that we have a common language from which to follow the blueprint for high-performance culture. Culture and conflict are complicated, but the profiles help in making solutions accessible. All of my work with clients begins with assessment and, having evaluated nearly 40 other instruments, it is with confidence that we use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles.”

George Naughton
Performance Consultant, Synergistic Resources
Villanova Men’s Basketball Team 2016 NCAA National Champions

“I understand the importance of the Coach-athlete relationship and the importance of DISC. Dr. Brennan and I have come to realize that when Coaches understand and use CoachDISC and AthleteDISC, it will inevitably become an integral part of their coaching. The Villanova journey has been a tremendous experience and hopefully, it will get Coaches to learn more about insights, benefits and results that can and will be achieved when they truly understand AthleteDISC.”

Rick Sessinghaus
Mental Performance Coach

“Working with Athlete Assessments has helped me tremendously with helping my clients with self-awareness. What I like about the AthleteDISC Profile is that each person gets to learn about their tendencies and it provides me the opportunity to ask questions to identify situations that lead to peak performance and those situations that may interfere with performance… Throughout the years Athlete Assessments has always been there to support me. I enjoy the monthly emails, the check in calls with Liz, and having access to Bo and the team in answering my questions so I can better serve my clients. Athlete Assessments is certainly about improving performance, but developing the person is the number one goal. Athlete Assessments develops high performing people who happen to be athletes.”

Kyle McDonald

Mental Performance Consultant
Competitive Will Performance Consulting

“I think it’s important for our athletes to look inward and find their path, not everyone is going to be happy all the time but let’s invest in aspects we can control and our inward feelings towards success and adversity. The AthleteDISC Profiles have helped me paint a complete picture of my athletes. The DISC Profiles starts creating an identity for us to build upon.”

Dr. Jim Brennan
sport psychology Consultant, Synergistic Resources
Villanova Men’s Basketball Team 2016 NCAA National Champions

“Through using the Athlete Assessments DISC profiles, I was given an objectified and non-threatening platform to discuss with each individual their tendencies, behavioral patterns, and emotional reactions. In short, they all grew wiser about themselves and each other. Somehow, the DISC information was never far from the Coach’s mind or from my mind especially when the pressure was on, when the interpersonal chemicals were reacting. We got smarter about avoiding the breakdowns that take you nowhere and much better at converting those same breakdowns into breakthroughs.”

Ryan Wasilawski


Performance and Wellness Institute

“The information I learn about each athlete is immensely valuable, in that I truly get to know what makes these kids tick, and how to communicate with them in the most efficient way. I can develop a better relationship with them much faster than I ever have before, and I can train them in a better way. Test results have increased at a greater rate, purely based on the fact that I can train them more efficiently and fit their program to their profile.”

“I have noticed how the DISC process changes me as a person. I am more understanding of others and how they are motivated, and how they communicate. Everyone is unique, and in the past I had easily forgotten that when I would train. Being able to train everyone, not just in different sports as I had before, but as different people, has yielded better results than I could have imagined.”

Ventson Donelson
True Potential Coach

“I use Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles because it’s a great tool for insight into yourself, as well as into others which makes communicating a lot more efficient. As a coach, having behavioral information about my players helps me to give them what they need, to have success on and off the field. It also creates an environment of trust which allows me to help them reach their true potential. Without the proper relationship we are doomed to top out early in the season, and in that players career. We will not ever meet our true potential without it.”

Ventson Donelson

Darren Winterbine

Performance Coach & Founder

Midwest Academy of Sport

[Our athletes] are from all across WA… This means that getting the teams together is difficult due to massive distances apart and the extreme amount of travelling required. Therefore, time is very limited and used mainly for the on-court components, so anything that can help the team building and leadership processes like DISC is invaluable.”


“The coaches and managers have really enjoyed the DISC process and helping the athletes get to know their strengths and areas of development. One of the best advantages is getting to know the athletes better in a more meaningful way and showing them where they fit into the group through the team reporting… I have used DISC to help in goal setting both individually and for the team.”

Patrick Rufo
R.O.W. Consulting and Sparks Consulting

“In using AthleteDISC with my athletes I have already seen a huge difference. It makes things simple for the athlete because they realize they don’t have to “act” a certain way, especially when achieving MORE success. Through my own profile, I realized that I was “pressing” for results and not tapping into my strengths as a competitor. I attribute this to part of my downfall in falling short at the 2008 Olympic Trials, and I now use it as a good story going forward when teaching others. I feel that AthleteDISC and CoachDISC have been the missing components in me finally connecting with my clients and athletes. Having the ability to truly build up and highlight their strengths in a short amount of time leads to great success in the long run.”

Where to from here…

Are you inspired by our clients above?

As a successful sport psychologist or performance consultant, your clients rely on you being the best in your field, so they can be the best in theirs. This means knowing the true determinants of success and having access to the tools and assessments that make the most impact when it comes to improving performance.

Athlete Assessments works with some of the very best sport psychologists and consultants, worldwide. Find out how you can join this unique group and use our assessments with your clients.

Athlete Assessments Consultant Program

Athlete Assessments'

consultant DISC Accreditation Program

Tailor your consultant training to your specific needs and previous experience to ensure an efficient transition to using the Athlete Assessments DISC Profiles with your clients and those you work with.

Includes 20 DISC Profile assessments and a series of six one-on-one consultations with the highly experienced facilitator, Bo Hanson.

Benefit from quality manuals, an extensive library of resources, videos, and sample marketing materials.

Remember, you are welcome to review testimonials and detailed case studies from our clients, including:

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DISC Profiling

Learn how to master the people side of sport using DISC Profiling...

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The Game Plan for Winning

One of the benefits of working with many different sporting teams each year is the insight we gain in what really makes the difference for sustained success.

We share our fundamental performance philosophies and some of the key models we use to achieve success – think of it as the how-to on performance.

Bo Hanson

Senior Consultant & Director

Bo Hanson’s career within the sport and the business sector spans over 25 years, delivering leadership, management, and coach development. In addition to his own athletic career comprising of four Olympic appearances and including three Olympic medals, Bo has worked for many years with coaches and athletes from over 40 different sports across the globe. Bo was also the winner of the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) 2023 Award for L&D Professional of the Year, for his dedication to L&D and transformational work across various industries.

After a successful career in sport including four Olympics and three Olympic Medals, Bo co-founded and developed Athlete Assessments in 2007. Bo now focuses on working with clients to achieve their own success on and off ‘the field’, and has attained an unmatched track-record in doing exactly this.

Headshot Bo
BoRowing-Atlanta Olympics

Now, watch us interrupt him for a round of quick fire questions.

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