Best Practice People
Management in Sport
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We cover best practice in People Management in sport! Find out all you need to know when it comes to succession planning, performance reviews, athlete induction programs and so much more. You may find our sections for our most recent articles, resources and materials, latest newsletters, or 5 Minutes with Bo Hanson video series valuable too.

Building Winning Teams: Touch Football Australia’s Journey with Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles
General Manager of Touch Football Australia, Wayne Grant, on their more than 12 years using DISC with Athlete Assessments, and how a consistent development approach transforms Team Dynamics and Leadership.

7 Questions Coaches Can Ask Athletes to Build Retention in their Program
We explore the optimal ways to maximize retention within a program by inviting coaches to ask their athletes 7 crucial questions.

Meaningful Mentoring Must-Haves: Webinar Recap
Revisiting Athlete Assessments’ April 2023 Open Webinar on Mentoring Success, key takeaways and learnings from experts in developing leading programs and pathways.

Recapping Athlete Assessments’ Annual Team Retreat
Our team shares how we walked our talk by kickstarting our 2023 season with our annual team retreat to ensure team alignment, invest in each other, and deliver exceptional outcomes for the year ahead.

Success Online for the 2021 NAKHE Annual National Conference
Double attendance from last year and 20% increase in membership, the National Association of Kinesiology in Higher Education Conference this year was a huge success.

We are in the AITD 2020 Excellence Awards Finals
We are incredibly proud and excited with the news we recently received from the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD). Each year they preside over the national Excellence Awards and Athlete Assessments have just been announced as one of eight finalists in the Best Leadership Development Program Award. Prior winners range from large corporations and Australian household brands such as Coles, Blackmores Institute, Volkswagen Group, Government departments and top Universities, so it is truly an honor to be named a Finalist now and we have our fingers crossed for the winner announcement later this year.

Prodigious Contribution to Coaching
When Georgia Southern University formally acknowledged Hal Wilson’s prodigious contribution to coaching and the community with the Waters College of Health Professions Award for Service, they recognized the thousands of hours that Hal (and many coaches for that matter) spend every year, when he mentors and coaches athletes and coaches, propelling them forward, taking steps alongside them as they fulfil their dreams.

Marquette Makes Leaders
Leadership is not a role it’s an attitude; a state of mind, a way of behaving that inspires people around you to follow, hold similar beliefs, live similar values and work towards common goals.

6 Reasons to Rethink 360 Observer Feedback Opportunities
The best teams take time to reward what’s going well, review what needs to be improved upon, and set plans to achieve future success. The same is true for individuals. How do they do this? One very effective way is to get feedback from others. Getting feedback from others in a formal way is called 360 Observer Feedback. The process is often perceived negatively, avoided by many, approached with trepidation or as a critical experience people must endure. BUT, we think it’s misunderstood and with some re-examining you too will know the value of 360 Observer Feedback.

Google’s Management Tips Translated to Coaching
Google, the #1 search engine in the world, ranked the top 10 attributes common to its best managers. We found that those behaviors run parallel to characteristics displayed by the most successful leaders in sport. Google’s findings support our knowledge that the best in the world reach that rank because of their expertise in people management, not just technology, equipment or physical capabilities.

Athlete Assessments’ Team Day
Every team needs to set aside time to re-connect, review goals and revisit values. Athlete Assessments is no different. We have four Team Days a year and the first one for 2019 saw us rock climbing, getting to know each other a little better from a DISC perspective and making some tough “Decisions” over a lunch menu!

Engagement & Excellence in Sport and Recreation Management
The team at Texas A&M University-Commerce encourage engagement, energy and work ethic in all of their Health and Human Performance students. Faculty work together to deliver exceptional outcomes, making an immediate impact on students’ lives and their professional careers. In this article we talk to Dr Clay Bolton and Dr Anthony Rosselli about their curriculum, students, internships and building those all-important networks.

University of Louisiana Athletics Leading the Way
When you visit University of Louisiana’s campus and see the new athletic facilities, a testament to the University’s investment in recent years, you’d understandably be impressed with their focus on the physical side of development. But, you would be misled. What you quickly learn, when you dig a little deeper, is that they are committed to a holistic approach to development across the entire Athletic Department.

6 CRUCIAL Steps to Success in Taking Over a Program
Congratulations! You’ve just been recruited as the new Head Coach. Whatever circumstances led to your appointment, the fact remains; you need to turn this team around – fast. You’ve got to get important elements of the team on side and develop what’s left of the team culture into a culture that you want. A culture that develops growth and delivers performance. There are six non-negotiable elements to success in this situation.

Team Building Skills in Demand by Employers (not just in Sport!)
Team building tops the list of non-technical attributes employers are looking for in college graduates, according to a recent survey by the NACE Centre For Career Development and Talent Acquisition. Communication and leadership skills also feature in the top five.

Self-knowledge Creates Career Opportunity
Chris McDonell graduated Saint Mary’s College of California with a B.A. in Politics and a minor in Spanish, but when it came to the interview process for a career in California’s Police Force, Chris’s superiors and interviewers thought one of his greatest strengths was his self-knowledge.

Fast Track Your Team Rebuild
You have just been recruited as the new Head Coach, and unless your predecessor was successful and has moved up or decided to retire, then the program you’ve taken on has not been performing and it’s your job to turn that around – fast.

People quit Bosses not Jobs because they are not Engaged
There is interesting research, based on a Gallup survey of reasons for people leaving their jobs, which shows nearly 75% of people decided to quit because of their boss or the managerial working environment, and only 35.4% of Americans felt engaged in their workplace. If you think about it, this creates a massive and unnecessary cost to businesses, especially when you consider the cause and the fact that these numbers are fixable.
How to Break a Losing Streak Video Presentation
How do you break a losing streak? If your team is in a slump, this video presentation can help turn your season around. Presented by Bo Hanson, 4x Olympian and Senior Coaching Consultant, this series of

Are you Missing the Most Important Factor when Recruiting in Sport?
Recruiting. It’s fundamental to the success of any team and as coaches, you make an enormous investment in time with the aim to get it right. So often, coaches are looking for the X-factor or conversations are focused on a physical attribute of a particular player. Are you missing one of the most critical aspects for your team’s success? And, could the success factor come from an unlikely place?

Reflections on 2015 and Lessons for Elite Sport in 2016
By Bo Hanson 4x Olympian and International Coaching Consultant There is something about the transition from the end of November to early December. It’s not just that festive times are ahead. It becomes a time to

The Circle of Safety in Sport
At Athlete Assessments when we work with clients one of the really critical models we refer to is the Circle of Safety. The Circle of Safety is not a concept we developed ourselves, it is taken from models such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and it is also taken from a lot of the work Simon Sinek has been doing, and the book that he wrote Leaders Eat Last.

Maximizing the Contribution of Specialist Coaching Staff
By Bo Hanson, 4x Olympian and International Coaching Consultant 20 years ago elite sports teams were lucky to have a strength and conditioning coach. Today, professional teams have an essential coaching staff that can include up

Recruiting X Factor Athletes
By Bo Hanson, 4x Olympian and International Coaching Consultant Coaches often think about recruiting X Factor athletes. But what is the X Factor? Is it a great technical ability, unwavering motivation or single moments of brilliance?

Why a Sports Team’s Culture Matters
Culture is a buzz word in sport. Coaches often attribute their success or failure to this ambiguous word. But at the crux of it why should you care about your sports team’s culture? The short answer
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Learn more about Athlete Assessments
DISC Profiling
Learn how to master the people side of sport using DISC Profiling...
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We specialize in helping our clients create and sustain winning results...
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