Do you work in Athlete, Coach, or Professional Development?

Provide your people with highly engaging, personalized development tools to build self-awareness, leadership, and invaluable interpersonal skills.

Maximize the people side with Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiling Accreditation Program!

Does preparing your student-athletes for what really has an impact on their future success matter to you?

Or do you want to utilize highly engaging and personalized development tools with those you work with?

DISC Profiling for Athlete Development Professionals, Coach Developers, Student-athlete Leadership Development Program Directors, Mental Skills Coaches, Sport Psychologist and other professionals working within Universities or Organizations focused on development.

The use of the AthleteDISC, CoachDISC and Sports ManagerDISC Profiles provide those you work with highly engaging and personalized development tools to build self-awareness and invaluable interpersonal skills. If you are looking to take your development programs to the next level and accelerate your results, DISC Profiling is the tool you need to help those you work with realize their potential. Improve performance, increase engagement, and enjoy greater satisfaction, rely on global experts in the ‘people side of sport’ to support you in elevating your programs.

Improve performance Develop self-awareness and leadership effectiveness Strengthen engagement Prepare student-athletes for life after sport

YOU. Will have a much greater understanding of those you work with and therefore will become a much more valuable member of their support team.

THEY. Become more self-aware to unlock their true potential, and to take responsibility and accountability for their performance, whether on and off ‘the field’.

Become Accredited in Athlete Assessments' DISC Profiles

Build up your own expertise and benefit from this professional development opportunity by becoming accredited in Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiling tools. Our DISC Accreditation is delivered one-on-one, over a spaced learning approach, to ensure a highly tailored, quality experience, that doesn’t take you out of your critical day-to-day role. We focus the immediate training on what is most important to you, your programs, and organization or university; and provide ongoing mentoring and support once you are accredited. 

Read Best Practice Case Studies and Learn More

We're here to give you the tools you need to help your programs be their best; fill out the form below to download our brochure and we will be in touch shortly to follow up your enquiry.

We will always respond within 48hours. Fields with Asterisks (*) require completion. We respect your privacy. Your details will not be used in any way other than a quick call or email to see how we can be of assistance with your online requirements.

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We are the unrivaled experts in the ‘people side’ of sport…

DISC Profiling

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Bo Hanson

Senior Consultant & Director

Bo Hanson’s career within the sport and the business sector spans over 25 years, delivering leadership, management, and coach development. In addition to his own athletic career comprising of four Olympic appearances and including three Olympic medals, Bo has worked for many years with coaches and athletes from over 40 different sports across the globe. Bo was also the winner of the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) 2023 Award for L&D Professional of the Year, for his dedication to L&D and transformational work across various industries.

After a successful career in sport including four Olympics and three Olympic Medals, Bo co-founded and developed Athlete Assessments in 2007. Bo now focuses on working with clients to achieve their own success on and off ‘the field’, and has attained an unmatched track-record in doing exactly this.

Headshot Bo
BoRowing-Atlanta Olympics

Now, watch us interrupt him for a round of quick fire questions.