Resolving and Managing Conflict in Sport Workshop

Conflict is a very common experience in sport. But it can be a positive if resolved and managed in a way that builds trust, emotional bonds and connections. Take the opportunity to develop your ability to resolve and manage conflict in the best way possible.

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Whether we like it or not, much of our coaching can be stalled by conflict, politics and people not getting along. The most effective approach to conflict is to prevent it from happening or deal with it when it is still ‘small’. Avoiding or ignoring conflict is a very ineffective strategy in most instances. This program is all about understanding, dealing with and achieving a positive outcome for all when conflict arises. As a coach, this is one of the key coaching skills you must master to be an effective coach.

  • Understand the nature of conflict, along with how and when to address it.
  • Learn your own unique conflict style, how to recognise another person’s and seek resolution quickly, effectively and with all parties feeling positive.
  • Improve your ability to manage those ‘difficult situations’ between athletes, with other coaches, administrators and/or parents.

If you would like more information on how Bo Hanson could enrich your Professional Development Workshop with this topic, please contact us. Otherwise we have a whole host of other potential Professional Development Workshops, and can also tailor a presentation specific to your program’s needs.

At Athlete Assessments, we’re here to provide you with excellence in service and here to help you be your best. If there is anything we can assist you with, please Contact Us.

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