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When we look at leaders in any endeavor, we often see their success critically defined by their leadership philosophy, and when it comes to sport coaches it is exactly the same. Having a defined coaching philosophy is key to effective coaching (and leadership), but the process of developing and understanding your own philosophy is often sidelined. When your team relies on your performance as a coach as much as they do on technical execution for achieving a winning outcome, this process is a priority.

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The most critical components of leadership are covered in these articles.

A popular group of articles on what ‘is the difference that makes the difference’

Articles dedicated to the important topics of Conflict, Communication and Trust in sport

Successful sports coaching is never ‘arrived at’, and requires constant coaching development.

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The Game Plan for Winning

One of the benefits of working with many different sporting teams each year is the insight we gain in what really makes the difference for sustained success.

We share our fundamental performance philosophies and some of the key models we use to achieve success – think of it as the how-to on performance.