Lifelong Leadership
Skills for Athletes
The Leading the Leaders Program
“Leadership. Coaches demand it; teams need it, future employers look for it, and our communities thrive from it.”
The Leadership Challenge
In elite sport, it is well recognized that the only significant difference that gives a team a real competitive edge is gained through investing in the people. The most valuable – yet often overlooked – people skill is leadership.
Today, the challenges in sport have evolved. Leadership skills were once a set of skills developed before the student arrived at university or before the athlete was selected in a national and professional team. Now, a shift in focus on learning outcomes means that athletes are often severely lacking in dedicated leadership qualities by the time they get to an elite team.
What we know to be true, is if leadership skills are lacking, success as a team is likely to suffer too.
A significant leadership gap exists that needs to be addressed.
The good news is, lack of leadership skills is something we can be proactive about. Leadership is no longer seen as something you are born with but rather a skill that can be learned.
The existing generation of athletes has grown up in an era unlike any other. The structured environment younger athletes come from hasn't demanded leadership skills or provided an opportunity to develop them.
Leading the Leaders

Leadership underpins every great success story and leaves a gaping hole when it’s lacking. Whether you’re updating an existing program or launching a new initiative, Athlete Assessments’ Leading the Leaders: Athlete Leadership Program is the complete solution you’ve been looking for.

The Athlete Assessments Athlete Leadership Program challenges the notion that effective leadership isn’t a personality trait but instead, a set of skills that can be learned.
Adopting an integrated approach to leadership training, the Athlete Leadership Program features a variety of easily accessible resources including workbooks, AthleteDISC Profile reports, in-depth video series, and a live video conference guest lecture by four-time Olympian, Bo Hanson.
Becoming an effective leader is a developmental process with no short cuts to reaching a personal leadership style. The Athlete Leadership Program instills athletes with a deeper level of personal understanding designed to equip them with robust leadership qualities that will help them excel as a leader in their sporting environment and all facets of life.

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